
  • 原名:Savannah Sunrise
  • 别名:草原日出/萨凡纳的晨曦
  • 评分:6.2分
  • 导演:Randall Stevens
  • 首播日期:2016-05-06(美国)
  • 小分类:喜剧, 家庭
  • 更新:02-23


Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Although initially impatient and frustrated, Joy begins to realize her true affection for Loraine as she takes a front-seat-view of how this strong-willed yet free-spirited woman manages the emotional transition of learning to live life after losing her spouse. Despite their many differences, and with light-hearted adventures at every turn, they discover how much they respect and even need each other. 效率专家Joy Miles的自由奔放的婆婆Loraine从路易斯维尔搬到萨凡纳,原本计划到分钟的专家因为错过了航班的时间变成了一辈子因此而改变的爆笑故事旅程。
