

A compelling narrative revealing the man behind the icon - Derek Jeter. Amidst a time of great change in New York City, Derek Jeter’s arrival to the New York Yankees returned a struggling franchise to its traditional perch amongst baseball’s elite. As Derek forged a Hall of Fame worthy career, his second home molded him as a man. 引人入胜的叙述揭示了偶像背后的人——德里克·杰特。在纽约市发生巨大变化的时期,德里克·杰特(Derek Jeter)来到纽约洋基队,让这支苦苦挣扎的球队重新回到了棒球精英中的传统位置。德里克打造了一个值得进入名人堂的职业生涯,他的第二故乡将他塑造成一个男人。
