
和许多人一样,我对本土电影敬而远之。像《单腿踢馆》、《锐利的铅笔》、《鸡饭大战》和《梁祝》这样的电影都让我口中生厌。但可惜的是,由李霆锋(Nicholas Lee)主演的电影《城市巨鲨》(City Sharks)却让我大吃一惊(从好的方面来说)。好吧,我承认我没有在电影院观看这部电影。但几周前,我有幸在坎宁堡观看了这部电影,几千名观众在公园里观看了这部电影。我听到有人抱怨'他们为什么要放映一部本地电影?为什么不放《敢死队》?"等等。但就是这些人,在半小时后,被银幕上的滑稽场面逗得歇斯底里地大笑。这部电影很有趣,没有刻意追求艺术性,只有 90 分钟的欢乐、欢乐、欢乐!我喜欢影片中每十分钟就会有新的事情发生。多亏了《鲨鱼》,我从此借到了更多本地电影的录像带。不出所料,大部分都是垃圾,但也有几部很棒的,比如《吃空气》。空气》和《鲨鱼》一样都是公路片,这是巧合吗?也许更多的新加坡电影人应该拍摄公路电影,而不是关于足球、鸡肉饭、树木、珍妮和山姆的拙劣电影!新加坡(还是马来西亚)团队的工作非常出色,制作出了一部极具娱乐性的电影。也感谢你们让我恢复了对本地电影的信心

Like many others, I keep away from local films like the plague. Movies like One Leg Kicking, Sharp Pencil, Chicken Rice War and Liang Po Po have left me with a bad taste in my mouth. But alas, along came City Sharks, a movie starring the very surprising (in a good way) Nicholas Lee. Ok, I admit I didn't catch the movie when it played in the cinemas. But I was fortunate enough to catch it some weeks back at Fort Canning where it played to a few thousand people in the park. I heard some grumble 'why are they showing a local film?'. 'Why don't they show Daredevil?' etc. etc. But these were the same people who were, half an hour later, laughing hysterically at the antics on screen. It was funny, didn't try to be arty, and was just 90 minutes of fun, fun, fun! I loved the fact that something new happened every ten minutes in the film. And thanks to Sharks, I have since borrowed more local films on video. Mostly crap, as expected, but a few great ones like 'Eating Air'. Is it a coincidence that 'Air' like 'Sharks' is a road-ie movie? Perhaps more Singaporean filmmakers should make road movies instead of poorly made movies about football, chicken rice, trees, jane's and sam's! Good work to the Singaporean (or was it Malaysian) team for an extremely entertaining movie. And thanks too for restoring my faith in local movies
