
当她最好的朋友和室友突然搬出去结婚时,苏珊(梅兰妮-梅隆 Melanie Mayron 饰)发现自己在生活和爱情中都漂泊不定。新工作能解决这个问题吗?与一位已婚的年长拉比(伊莱-瓦拉赫 Eli Wallach 饰)发生关系又如何?克劳迪娅-威尔(Claudia Weill’)在这部 20 世纪 70 年代的纽约时间胶囊中,以诙谐幽默和令人耳目一新的坦率态度,捕捉到了第二波女权主义时代女性生活和人际关系的复杂性和矛盾性,堪称美国独立电影制作的试金石,并影响了整个电影和电视节目的亚流派(最著名的当属莉娜-邓纳姆(Lena Dunham’)的《女孩》(Girls))。

When her best friend and roommate abruptly moves out to get married, Susan (Melanie Mayron), a wannabe gallery artist slumming it as a bar mitzvah photographer on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, finds herself adrift in both life and love. Could a new job be the answer? What about a fling with a married, older rabbi (Eli Wallach)? A touchstone of American independent filmmaking that went on to influence an entire subgenre of films and television shows (most famously Lena Dunham’s Girls) about young women trying to make it in the big city, Claudia Weill’s 1970s New York time capsule captures the complexities and contradictions of women’s lives and relationships during the era of second-wave feminism with both wry humor and refreshing frankness.
