

无畏的士兵玛丽亚和拥有超人力量的 TS-347 正被一个负责科学实验的军事小组追捕,这些实验导致了僵尸启示录的出现。途中,他们将遇到一个胸无大志、宿醉未醒的男人佩德罗。他们试图一起逃到一个安全的地方,但核弹的出现让他们的道路变得更加复杂。

Maria, a fearless soldier, and TS-347, a man with superhuman strength, are being pursued by a military cell responsible for scientific experiments that have resulted in a zombie apocalypse. On the way, they will meet Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a great hangover. Together, they will try to escape to a safe place, but complications will cross their paths in the form of a nuclear bomb.
